I have been making Kombucha for over 2 years. I believe it's my husband's favorite drink. If you like caffeine and carbonated drinks you should love Kombucha. Kombucha contains Saccharomyces Boulardii which is supposed to be a great probiotic strain which helps fight against Candida Overgrowth. When I did drink it...it seemed to help with the brain fog that is a result of Candida Overgrowth but unfortunately, I had to stop because I could not handle the caffeine. So instead, I take the capsule form of Saccharomyces Boulardii on occasion.
Kombucha is easy to make. I even grew my own "scoby" starter mushroom from a single bottle of store-bought Kombucha. The "scoby" is what you see floating at the top of the fermentation bottle. I use 1/2 gallon mason jars which will yield about three (3) 32 oz bottles. Yield: 1/2 gallon (8 servings) Ingredients: Scoby/Mushroom 3/4 to 1/2 inch thick, diameter of top of mason jar (See notes).
1 Kombucha (from a previous batch or purchase a bottle of original, plain Kombucha from the store
3/4 cup Black Tea/span
2 single serving size tea bags
1/2 cup sugar
Mason Jar: 1/2 gallon size
coffee filter (preferably non-bleached)
1 rubber band or mason jar ring
NOTES: Once you begin making Kombucha, you will always have a scoby and Kombucha starter to begin your next batch and possibly one to share because they just keep growing and growing. If this is your first time to make Kombucha, you can purchase a scoby online, get one from a friend, or grow your own. (The "grow your own" link goes to a page that says it might be impossible to grown your own using a bottle of commercial Kombucha, but the brand "Organic Raw Kombucha" usually still has enough of the mother culture to kick off a new scoby.)
Kombucha is easy to make. I even grew my own "scoby" starter mushroom from a single bottle of store-bought Kombucha. The "scoby" is what you see floating at the top of the fermentation bottle. I use 1/2 gallon mason jars which will yield about three (3) 32 oz bottles. Yield: 1/2 gallon (8 servings) Ingredients: Scoby/Mushroom 3/4 to 1/2 inch thick, diameter of top of mason jar (See notes).
1 Kombucha (from a previous batch or purchase a bottle of original, plain Kombucha from the store
3/4 cup Black Tea/span
2 single serving size tea bags
1/2 cup sugar
Mason Jar: 1/2 gallon size
coffee filter (preferably non-bleached)
1 rubber band or mason jar ring
- Boil 2 quarts of water
- Remove from heat and add 2 tea bags
- Allow to cool (usually I allow to cool overnight)
- Once cooled to room temperature, add 1/2 cup of sugar and stir well
- Add sweetened tea to 1/2 gallon mason jar
- Add 3/4 cup of Kombucha (this is necessary to begin the fermentation process and prevent the batch from spoiling)
- Add the scoby
- Top the jar with the coffee filter and secure using a rubber band or jar ring.
NOTES: Once you begin making Kombucha, you will always have a scoby and Kombucha starter to begin your next batch and possibly one to share because they just keep growing and growing. If this is your first time to make Kombucha, you can purchase a scoby online, get one from a friend, or grow your own. (The "grow your own" link goes to a page that says it might be impossible to grown your own using a bottle of commercial Kombucha, but the brand "Organic Raw Kombucha" usually still has enough of the mother culture to kick off a new scoby.)
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