Infuse water with fruits and veggies

Looking for an alternative to juicing? Well not really an alternative because juicers perform very specific jobs, but here is another option for getting some good nutrients. Nothing like a cool drink of water, right?

I like to infuse my water with fruits and veggies from time to time when I feel like I need a real thirst quencher. I normally use cucumbers, but since I didn't have any - this was my combination today.

This combination is safe for Candida Dieters once they have passed the first 3 weeks of absolutely NO FRUIT! (Green apples and berries are allowed after 3 weeks.)


  • 2 celery sticks

  • 1/2 green apple

  • 1/4 cup blue berries

  • juice of 1 lemon

  • 2 cups filtered water

  • a couple of ice cubes, or you can place into fridge to cool


  1. Place all ingredients into a Vita-mix or high-speed blender and blend until smooth.

  2. Filter the pulp using a strainer or a nut milk bag (what I like best).

That's it. Simple as can be. So when you make your "infused" water, post your comments below and let others know of what combinations you create.

Note: You can always use the left-over pulp in your cooking, perhaps when making pancakes or muffins for instance.

Blend your favorite fruits and vegetables together with water and strain. Below is a good combination to try.

  • 2 celery sticks

  • 1/2 green apple

  • 1/4 cup blue berries

  • juice of 1 lemon

  • 2 cups filtered water

  • a couple of ice cubes, or you can place into fridge to cool
  1. Place all ingredients into a Vita-mix or high-speed blender and blend until smooth.

  2. Filter the pulp using a strainer or a nut milk bag (what I like best).

Notes: You can always use the left-over pulp in your cooking, perhaps when making pancakes or muffins for instance.